5 days ago
Chasing Goals
Nick Martin is known as the Iowa Bird Chaser. Nick is on a mission to harvest a wild pheasant on public land in every county in Iowa. We discuss the goal Nick set for himself and the value of setting goals, the struggles that have come trying to find birds on some public properties, what he’s learned about himself, grading Iowa’s public lands, celebrating success, breaking down a property, the ones that get away, achieving goals, finding a hunting balance in life, and so much more...@iowa_birdchaser
Presented by: Walton’s (https://www.waltons.com/) OnX Maps (https://www.onxmaps.com/) Aluma Trailers (https://www.alumaklm.com) Lucky Duck Premium Kennels (https://www.luckyduck.com/) Hoksey Native Seeds (https://hokseynativeseeds.com) & Marsh Wear Clothing (https://www.marshwearclothing.com/)