Thursday Nov 07, 2024
Frank Family Pheasant Hunt
Travis Frank and his wife (Sarah), mom (Phyliss), daughter (Lydia), and son (Weston), sit down to share stories from their unforgettable “Frank Family Pheasant Hunt” in North Dakota. The crew shares their favorite moments from the hunt, celebrating first pheasants & partridge, outsmarting wild pheasants, overcoming obstacles as a family, planning and executing a family hunt, witnessing the fall migration, watching a bull moose pass by, embracing the experience, a new fishing lodge in North Dakota that’s perfect for hunters, and so much more…@fishindianhills
Presented by: Walton’s (https://www.waltons.com/) OnX Maps (https://www.onxmaps.com/) Aluma Trailers (https://www.alumaklm.com) Chief Upland (https://chiefupland.com/) Lucky Duck Premium Decoys (https://www.luckyduck.com/) Federal Premium Ammunition (https://www.federalpremium.com/) Sage and Braker (https://sageandbraker.com/) Hunt North Dakota (https://www.helloND.com/) & MN DNR (https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/)