Thursday Feb 13, 2025
State of the Union
Marilyn Vetter, Bob St. Pierre, & Ron Leathers of Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever join us for an in-depth “State of the Union” habitat conversation. We discuss the health of the organization, conservation partnerships and what they mean for wildlife, internal strengths and opportunities, members are growing, Federal Farm Bill & DC happenings, habitat heroes & leaders, looking inward, celebrating 20 years of Quail Forever, Hands on Habitat, bird biology, Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic preview, listener questions, season highlights, and so much more…@pheasantsforever | @quailforever
Presented by: Walton’s (https://www.waltons.com/) OnX Maps (https://www.onxmaps.com/) Aluma Trailers (https://www.alumaklm.com) Hoksey Native Seeds (https://hokseynativeseeds.com) & Marsh Wear Clothing (https://www.marshwearclothing.com/)